Why does a Swedish veterinarian who has worked as a public health and food safety veterinarian endorse raw unpasteurized milk?
For the same reasons that I do not believe that 'final decontamination' of a food commodity is the optimal approach to food safety, but that focus should be on hygienic production, harvesting and processing from farm to table.
Because raw milk can be produced in very hygienic conditions and be a safe food commodity.
Because raw milk has been shown to reduce allergy, asthma, atopic eczema, and other conditions.
Because raw milk and products made from raw milk simply taste better.
Please go the website ‘Milk and Health’, where Professor Ton Baars and I present information about the science of wholesome raw natural milk.
In October 2018, I held a keynote talk on ‘Raw milk – can it be made safe?’ at the Annual Symposium of the European College of Veterinary Public Health in Perugia, Italy. The most prominent public health veterinarians were present, and we had a very fruitful discussion on balancing the microbial hazards with the nutritional and immunological benefits of raw milk. I have also been holding workshops for raw milk farmers in numerous countries and published papers on raw milk.
Numerous studies in peer-reviewed papers and meta-analysis thereof have shown a strong association between raw milk intake and reduction in allergic and atopic disease conditions (please contact me for references). With the increasing incidence of allergies in our population we need to consider whether sterile food may not be all safe and beneficial to humans. Maybe we simply need to be continually exposed to various microorganisms in our environment to obtain a fully functioning immune response to environmental hazards.
I have allergic reactions to pasteurized milk and milk products, but I can consume raw milk. What a passion! I now fetch my cow milk from my neighbour farm and I milk my neighbour's goats when they need help or I want goat milk. From the milk I make fromage fraiche, yougurt, butter, pudding, feta cheese, gouda cheese and many more products. It is a passion to work with milk!
I have extensive experience working with raw milk production and can assist any dairy that would like to improve the safety of their raw milk. Raw milk does not need to be a food safety threat, but can be the nutritious healthy food that it was created to be.
I have recently published together with Prof Ton Baars a description of the safe raw milk production systems in a renowned peer-review journal. I recommend that you read this paper:
Berge, A.C., Baars, T. Raw milk producers with high levels of hygiene and safety. Epidemiology and Infection. Vol 148 E14
Baars T., Wold A., Vuitton D.A., Garssen J., Berge A.C., 2021 Raw Cow Milk Consumption and the Atopic March, Frontiers in Pediatrics. Vol 9, Page 99 Online access
I have been involved in Eldrimners pilotprojekt om obehandlad dryckesmjölk. This project aims to show that a guaranteed safe raw milk production is possible and of interest for Swedish farmers. A small series of films from the producers and their impressions can be found on this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LHQ7jIxxNc
If you are interested in learning more about raw milk, I recommend 'The Raw Milk Answer Book' by David Gumpert that I had the honour to review and endorse and that you read Prof Ton Baars and my website called MilkandHealth.com.
For the same reasons that I do not believe that 'final decontamination' of a food commodity is the optimal approach to food safety, but that focus should be on hygienic production, harvesting and processing from farm to table.
Because raw milk can be produced in very hygienic conditions and be a safe food commodity.
Because raw milk has been shown to reduce allergy, asthma, atopic eczema, and other conditions.
Because raw milk and products made from raw milk simply taste better.
Please go the website ‘Milk and Health’, where Professor Ton Baars and I present information about the science of wholesome raw natural milk.
In October 2018, I held a keynote talk on ‘Raw milk – can it be made safe?’ at the Annual Symposium of the European College of Veterinary Public Health in Perugia, Italy. The most prominent public health veterinarians were present, and we had a very fruitful discussion on balancing the microbial hazards with the nutritional and immunological benefits of raw milk. I have also been holding workshops for raw milk farmers in numerous countries and published papers on raw milk.
Numerous studies in peer-reviewed papers and meta-analysis thereof have shown a strong association between raw milk intake and reduction in allergic and atopic disease conditions (please contact me for references). With the increasing incidence of allergies in our population we need to consider whether sterile food may not be all safe and beneficial to humans. Maybe we simply need to be continually exposed to various microorganisms in our environment to obtain a fully functioning immune response to environmental hazards.
I have allergic reactions to pasteurized milk and milk products, but I can consume raw milk. What a passion! I now fetch my cow milk from my neighbour farm and I milk my neighbour's goats when they need help or I want goat milk. From the milk I make fromage fraiche, yougurt, butter, pudding, feta cheese, gouda cheese and many more products. It is a passion to work with milk!
I have extensive experience working with raw milk production and can assist any dairy that would like to improve the safety of their raw milk. Raw milk does not need to be a food safety threat, but can be the nutritious healthy food that it was created to be.
I have recently published together with Prof Ton Baars a description of the safe raw milk production systems in a renowned peer-review journal. I recommend that you read this paper:
Berge, A.C., Baars, T. Raw milk producers with high levels of hygiene and safety. Epidemiology and Infection. Vol 148 E14
Baars T., Wold A., Vuitton D.A., Garssen J., Berge A.C., 2021 Raw Cow Milk Consumption and the Atopic March, Frontiers in Pediatrics. Vol 9, Page 99 Online access
I have been involved in Eldrimners pilotprojekt om obehandlad dryckesmjölk. This project aims to show that a guaranteed safe raw milk production is possible and of interest for Swedish farmers. A small series of films from the producers and their impressions can be found on this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LHQ7jIxxNc
If you are interested in learning more about raw milk, I recommend 'The Raw Milk Answer Book' by David Gumpert that I had the honour to review and endorse and that you read Prof Ton Baars and my website called MilkandHealth.com.